Our Inability to Listen
3:03 - Aug 25, 2023

Join me as we embark on a journey to unveil the lost art of listening.


Honesty in an Atomized World
3:34 - Aug 27, 2023

Let's delve into the intricate virtue of honesty, prompted by experiences in raising children and pondering its juxtaposition with the natural world's deceptive strategies.


From Diversity to Division
4:48 - Sep 1, 2023

We dive into the complexities and misconceptions surrounding the concept of diversity. Stemming from a personal experience that highlighted the pitfalls of labeling people.


The Power of Perspective
4:50 - Sep 2, 2023

.. and how to audit our belief systems. In this thought-provoking podcast, we explore the intricate journey of seeking perspective and meaning.


Marxist Markets
6:09 - Sep 7, 2023

The intricate interplay between bottom-up and top-down forces in various aspects of society, including politics, academia, and the marketplace, questioning whether our systems truly reflect collective will.


Entropy & Your Life
4:58 - Sep 10, 2023

Exploring why your life is bound to get worse over time. This compelling intersection of physics, philosophy, and personal growth, takes us closer to understanding the natural tendency for systems to move toward disorder.


Consciousness vs Psychedelics
4:24 - Sep 13, 2023

Dive into a metaphysical journey that redefines the pursuit of happiness, suggesting that the true currency of life is consciousness itself.


From e-Racing to Avatarism
8:36 - Sep 18, 2023

Dive into the complex subject of erasure in our evolving societal landscape. This thought-provoking piece reflects on the consequences of reducing diverse attributes like identity, race, and gender to mere checkboxes on a list.


The Stupidity of Intelligence
4:21 - Sep 22, 2023

I explore the nature of intelligence and question whether its prominence in society overshadows the essential value of virtues and ethics. Delving into the depths of human cognition, I confront the double-edged sword that is intellectual might


Chosen Helplessness
6:26 - Sep 25, 2023

Let's explore chosen helplessness. Unlike learned helplessness, a well-documented concept in psychological research, which often results from trauma or external pressures, chosen helplessness is a fascinating behavior that emerges voluntarily


The Jinn - Omitted Myths of the West
9:02 - Oct 7, 2023

In the silent reverie where mythology and religion intertwine, I found a chasm in Western thought - a stark contrast that illuminates the Eastern mystical tradition with profound brilliance


On Love's Origin and Paradoxes
9:02 - Oct 18, 2023

Let's explore the intricate and paradoxical nature of love. We'll delve into the challenges and profound moments of love, emphasizing the innate quality of love within humans.


Empirically Defining Art
11:03 - Oct 22, 2023

Let's grapple with the challenge of empirically defining art, aiming to establish a measurable criterion that distinguishes true art from its false counterparts in our increasingly commercialized world.


The Seed of Emotion
31:32 - Dec 27, 2023

Embark on a transformative journey through the intricate world of emotions, thoughts, and actions. Dive into a compelling narrative that reveals how these three elements interweave to shape our well-being and influence our daily lives.


Simulation Theory - A Counterargument
13:55 - Mar 6, 2024

The captivating idea of living in a simulated reality is a topic often skirted by empirical minds. As someone who straddles the realms of empirical and philosophical inquiry, I present the following counterargument.


The Afterlife - A Conversation
18:33 - Apr 10, 2024

My son asked if we go somewhere after we die. This lead into a profound topic beyond the afterlife and the essence of 'self.' A simple question unravels into a deep exploration of identity, beyond names and physical forms.